Cardiff Mind is a provider of high-quality mental health services based in the heart of Cardiff.
We provide support for anyone over the age of 18 living in Cardiff who is experiencing difficulties with their mental health. The support we offer covers a wide range of issues from support to maintain a tenancy, practical support, and emotional and wellbeing support.
Cardiff Mind operates an open referral system which enables potential service users to not only access services via Statutory Sector Routes such as Health and Local Authority but also from Third Sector Partners and most importantly from individuals and their carers.
The services are delivered via three distinct service arms.
Supported Housing which is accessible via the Council’s Housing Department. Floating Support and Community Support which has a direct contract to provide support to tenants of one of the local housing associations, and several self-funded contracts with individuals.
Day Services which undertakes an initial assessment of all other service users. This meeting is designed to offer practical assistance with the issues raised and if appropriate signpost to other Cardiff Mind services, external services or a combination of the two.
We currently offer Social Groups (volunteer led – often former service users), and psycho-educational courses, which run over 6 weeks to enable people to better understand and manage their own condition.
We also offer one-to-one telephone support for up to 6 weeks via our guided self-help programmes.
We have two programmes, dealing with common mental health conditions such as; anxiety, assertiveness, depression, panic, perfectionism, procrastination, self-esteem and worry.
We also use this process to assess suitability for our Counselling Service. All of our activities are geared to develop a person-centred plan with each individual, to enable them to achieve their personal goals and work together to overcome any obstacles they may encounter.
To make an appointment to speak to us, just call 02920402040.