You are invited to attend the next Patient and Public Interest Group (PAPIG) meeting which will be held online on March 18th between 10am and 11.15am.
Patient and Public Interest Group (PAPIG) is made up of patients, carers, patient advocates and third sector organisations. The group feeds their views via the All Wales Therapeutics and Toxicology Group (AWTTC), who provide professional, technical and administrative support to the All Wales Medicines Strategy Group (AWMSG). One of the roles of AWMSG is to advise Welsh Government on whether new medicines should be available for use in NHS Wales.
You can find out more about their work in the patient section of their website, including information on PAPIG.
The next PAPIG meeting will be held online on March 18th and will include:
- The updated AWMSG medicines assessment process and how you can propose a medicine for consideration.
- Interventions not normally available on the NHS – what are they, what are the circumstances when they may be offered and how do people find out about them?
They would very much like to hear the views and experiences of patients and carers and so there will be time for discussion and questions.
If you would like to join the next PAPIG meeting please register online or by emailing